Loving Evangelization: Sharing the Good News with Friends

In my last post, 5 Tips for Effective Evangelization, I shared strategies I’ve learned over the years of my efforts to evangelize other people. One of those tips is to lean on your story. To illustrate the power of that strategy, I’m going to share with you a story.

Signing Up to Serve

The story begins in July of 2022 when I signed up to volunteer at St. Ann’s parish in Coppell, Texas during a Diocesan Conference. I didn’t expect anything more than that I would do a few hours work and then return home.

After my time of service finished, they offered evening Mass. I decided to attend. What happened next changed my life.

Receiving an Anointing of the Holy Spirit

Dr. Mary Healy spoke before Mass and stated that, “Before every new level of ministry, you need a new anointing.”

She and her team, which included a priest, then proceeded to call down the Holy Spirit on the crowd and to anoint us all that we might go out and spread the Good News to all the world. Before that day, I loved my faith, but when it came time to share the Good News, I approached it with hesitation.

I didn’t want to start fights or damage relationships. I’d gotten quite used to going along to get along.On August 1st, I gathered up every ounce of courage I possessed and recorded a video entitled, “Abundance Is Your Birthright,” in which I shared what God taught me about abundance:

If you’re not receiving in abundance, it’s not because God doesn’t provide abundance for you. It’s because there’s something blocking the mechanisms that He designed to bring abundance to you and deliver abundance through you.

Evangelization: Daring to Share

It took a lot of courage for me to do what I did next, but I’m so grateful I did. I started sending that little video to select people on my email list. Among the list of people I selected to send it to, one of those was Joylynn M. Ross, the CEO and founder of Path To Publishing.

She also happened to be a business colleague of mine. I knew from many conversations that she believed in Christ but I also knew she wasn’t Catholic. I didn’t know how she’d receive what I sent to her. Would I anger her? Would she reject me?

With trembling fingers, I typed in this email, copied the link to the YouTube video I created, and hit the send button.
“I know that right now there are so many people worried about their money, about food shortages, and about their future.

That’s why I put together this short, five-minute video sharing a story from my own past. At a moment when I didn’t have the money for rent, I was facing eviction, and I didn’t know where we would go if the money didn’t turn up, I turned to God for help.

He didn’t send me money, but the message He sent me is worth sharing:

“Abundance is your birthright!”

If you don’t have access to all that you need and then some, it’s not because He doesn’t want you to have it. It’s because something is wrong with the system that brings abundance to you.

If you are looking for hope, if you need reassurance, if you’re worried about the future, I invite you to watch the video. If you’re doing well but you know someone who might need this message, please consider sharing it with them.

If you want to tap into the flow of abundance, but you’re experiencing some kind of blockage, I invite you to reach out to me and let me help you find the source of that blockage so we can remove it and you can enjoy the fruits of your inheritance.

Best wishes,

Brandy M. Miller

I didn’t know what, if anything, to expect from that effort.

The Answer to Prayers

That very next morning, Joylynn called me. The night before, she’d been tossing and turning in complete misery and confusion. She felt 100% clear on her calling, assignment, and purpose in life. She felt 100% confident she’d been operating in complete excellence while executing the tasks that needed doing in decent order and with integrity.

She felt something blocking her path to abundance but didn’t know what it was, she just knew it was something inside of her not outside of her. It felt so heavy.

She didn’t just pray that God help her figure it out. She demanded that He provide an answer in her inbox that next morning.

You can listen to her share her story here: https://youtu.be/FFB7KPhjpnI.

My act of obedience, of sharing a story about a moment when I turned to God because I couldn’t answer the challenge I faced and He answered me, became an answer to her prayers.

Psalm 145:10 – A Poignant Reminder

Before writing today’s post, I stopped to ask God what He wanted me to do. What did He want me to write?

The responsorial psalm for today’s Mass readings struck me. “Your friends make known, Lord, the glorious splendor of your kingdom.”

It’s pulled from Psalm 145:10 which says, “All your works praise you, Lord; your faithful people extol you.”

If I’m the Lord’s friend, how can I not make known the good things that He has done for me? How can I not sing His praises for all the great things that have come to me through Him?

Make a S.I.M.P.L.E. Invitation

As I explained in the blog post, “Planning for Success: A How-To Guide for Leaders,” the simpler we keep things for people, the more likely they are to get done. S.I.M.P.L.E. means “Show Implementation with Measurable, Practical, Literal Examples.”

In John 1:46, Philip made a S.I.M.P.L.E. invitation to Nathaniel that led him to Christ. He simply said, “Come and see.” And then he walked with Nathaniel, showing him the way to where he could find Christ.

That’s all we need to do. Just share our story and invite people to come and see. Christ will do the rest.

Bungling Things By Adding Unnecessary Complications

The invitation I made to Joylynn worked because it was S.I.M.P.L.E. As we worked together, the two of us became so excited by the results we were getting that we set up a website. We conceived a vision for a program that would help others tap into the flow of abundance.

In December of 2022, I hosted a webinar called “Abundance Now” that got 7 people – all protestant or “spiritual but not religious” listening in and gave me the chance to talk about my Catholic faith. Every single one of the people who joined that webinar stayed on for the full time – including one who registered a complaint that there was too much Jesus talk!

The funny thing is that she told me, during our discussion after the webinar, that the Holy Spirit told her to stay til the end despite the fact she didn’t want to hear about Jesus.

Nothing else went right with that program and – at the time – I didn’t understand why so I abandoned the project. I now know that the mistake I made with the program wasn’t the program itself. It was my mindset. I was trying to pour the old wine of money into the new wineskin God made for me with abundance, and doomed the project to failure as a result.

When your product is love – the secret to true abundance – adding money to the mix only complicates things and blocks the very flow of abundance you’re trying to break open. Love can never be a transaction. It must always be a free, voluntary, sacrificial gift.

Getting Back on Board with the Lord

Once I surrendered to Christ and put together the plan that led me to offer Turning Problems into Prophets, it became clear to me where Breaking Open Abundance fits into the picture and the purpose for which God led me to create it.

I’ll be revitalizing that program soon and will let you know when it’s ready and available for you. In the meanwhile, just know this:

Your stories about what God’s done for you in your life deserve to be told and shared. People need to hear that He has not forgotten them. Friends don’t withhold the Good News from friends. You never know whose prayers you might be answering by finding the courage to share.    

Learn How to Share Your Story

Get strategic tips for evangelization and how to share your story in my free course, Turning Problems into Prophets.

Effective Evangelization: 5 Tips for Sharing the Good News

Effective evangelization doesn’t come without practice. I’ve been privileged to be part of God’s work evangelizing some of my friends and family members, bringing them either to Christ or back home to the faith. My husband is one of those individuals.

Effective Evangelization Mistakes

The miracle with my husband’s conversion isn’t that it took 18 years to happen. It’s that it happened at all.

Given the sheer number of mistakes and errors I made, the poor example I set, it’s a miracle that God could still intervene and open my husband’s eyes and heart to the faith. I offer these five tips based on what I learned from my humble efforts.

1. Let the Lord Lead the Way

“And began to proclaim: When you shall see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the priests of the race of Levi carrying it, rise you up also, and follow them as they go before:” – Joshua 3:3

It’s important to remember that your success is not going to come through hustling hard, being a genius, or being a really, really good person. You can be all of those things and fail.

This work does not depend on you. It depends on Him. Let Him lead the way. Let Him direct your steps and clear your path.

Allow God to leverage what your instincts tell you to hide: your faults, your failings, your weaknesses, and your mistakes to His strategic advantage. It’s hard, but it’s necessary to humble yourself and allow all the parts of your past to be used.

2. Keep Your Ego Out of This

It’s not about how good or how worthy you are, but about how Great and Worthy God is. The moment that you allow your ego to take over, you will end up tripping over your own feet. Love flees in the face of ego, and love is what is needed most for this work to be done.

3. Lean on Your Story

The story of how God worked in your life to conquer the giants you couldn’t will do the heavy lifting in the conversion process. You don’t need to be an expert or have all the knowledge. All you need to know is your own story and what God has done and continues to do in your life.

4. Become Comfortable with Your Imperfections

Don’t think you need to wait until you’ve got everything together. Don’t think you can only do this work when your life is where you want it to be. Don’t think you need to be perfect to do this work.

You’re never going to have it all together. Your life is never going to be exactly where you want it to be. You’re not God, so you’re also never going to be perfect.

God needs your honesty and your humanity, not your perfection. He doesn’t need your life to have everything together. He needs your mess. He doesn’t need you to be perfect. He will perfect you.

5. Be Patient, Be Obedient, and Wait on God’s Timing

The first conversion that must take place before He can help you convert someone is your own. God will take the prayers you’re offering on their behalf and use them to refine you into the person you must become to lead those you pray for to Christ.

The more obedient you can be to the Lord while you’re waiting, the quicker God can work through you to answer the prayers you’re offering. But ultimately, the timing belongs to God. He alone knows when the other person is going to be ready to open up to receive Him.

At one point, while waiting on my husband’s conversion, I asked God why He takes so long. His response? “Because what I build, I build for eternity. If I built it at the speed you want it built, it would not last.”

Learn Effective Evangelization Strategies with Turning Problems into Prophets

If you’d like more detailed strategies, we offer a free course, Turning Problems into Prophets, to help you get the steps you need to share your story and turn the problems in your life into tools for effective evangelization.

Answering Christ’s Call to Share the Good News in a Post-Christian Society

Answering Christ's call to share the Good News of His love, embodied in the crucifixion.

Answering Christ’s call to share the Good News might seem tough in our post-Christian society. The Olympic opening ceremony mocking the Last Supper, the announcement by Prince Charles of England that the Church of England would no longer call itself a Church, Canada and many other Western countries punish Christians for sharing their faith. Faith-based discrimination claims rose in 2022 from a previous high of 2,000 to over 14,000.

It can be tough to find opportunities for sharing the Good News about Christ’s love, but only because we overlook the value of our problems.

Answering Christ’s Call Using Our Problems

Our problems provide us a common denominator, a shared battle ground, to leverage in opening the door to being able to witness to Christ’s awesome power.

All we need to do is tap into the rich vein of problems we’ve faced in our lives where we were powerless to solve it and were forced to cry out to God for help and support.

Then, we can share the way that God came to our aid and made things happen that were beyond our power – or the power of any human being – to do. That’s it. No need to argue. No need to have all the answers. We rely on Christ to do the heavy lifting. All we do is plant the seed.

Everyone Faces Problems

Everyone – even God – faces problems. God’s got roughly 8 billion of them by last count, if all we’re counting are the people He created.

Those problems give us a common bond with those who face those problems now but don’t yet know how to solve them. They allow us room to minister to those individuals and share with them the reason for our hope.

We become the trusted mentor who can help guide them past the problems that seem so far beyond their capability to solve when everything else they’ve tried failed them. Like the woman who bled for 12 years, we may not be able to solve her problem ourselves, but we can bring her to the One with the power to make the bleeding stop.

The Most Effective Problems to Use: Those That Required God’s Help to Solve

When your goal is to start a business, you use the problem that cost you the most time, money, energy, and effort to solve. That’s where your greatest opportunities lie. When your goal is to bring people to Christ, you start instead with the problem that you knew was impossible for any human being to solve. The one that forced you to your knees in search of help and led you to develop that trust and confidence in Christ you hold today.

That story will speak most clearly to the person facing that problem that seems so far beyond them to solve. It will get their attention and give them hope that all is not lost. Turning Problems into Prophets, our free online self-paced course, will teach you the steps to outlining your testimony so you can lead them from where they are to where you are today.

You don’t have to be a natural storyteller. You don’t have to have experience writing. I’ll give you a step-by-step blueprint you can use to create a compelling story. You’ll be equipped to tell your story in any situation with ease so you can become a beacon of light for those who wander in darkness and a sign pointing the way to wisdom for those who seek it. Get help answering Christ’s call by taking our free course now and get on your way to success in storytelling.

Answering Christ’s Call to Share the Good News Is Even More Important Now than Ever

What society doesn’t realize is that in rejecting Christ, they reject the eternal wellspring of divine love. Human love simply can’t replace Him.

And with that rejection of the ultimate source of love comes a whole slew of mental health ailments. That’s why addictions, suicide, depression, and anxiety are all skyrocketing. It all reflects a growing number of individuals who feel unloved and unlovable.

We’ve got the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. We’ve got the remedy they need. We must be sure we share that with them. Society rests on our success.