Planning for Success: A How-To Guide for Leaders

“For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down to count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?” – Luke 14:28

When you’re creating a ministry, it’s important to start by envisioning what success looks like for your ministry. What are you going to get out of all the work you’re doing? How will that impact the world?

Establishing Loving Catholicism’s Vision

At Loving Catholicism, our vision is to reclaim the world for Christ. It’s a big vision, but we know that when the world is reclaimed for Christ, love will reign supreme, peace will be found, and everyone will be filled with hope and joy. In other words, we will all experience Heaven on Earth as promised in the Our Father. The vision of reclaiming the world for Christ is the reason for Loving Catholicism’s existence.

Determining the Mission

A vision without a mission is a dream without a plan. It’s not enough to have the vision. You must determine what it is – specifically – that you’re going to do to make that vision a reality.

The Mission of Loving Catholicism

At Loving Catholicism, we know that the key to reclaiming the world for Christ is to first equip Catholic families to share the Good News in a post-Christian society. Our mission, because of that vision, is to equip Catholic families to share the Good News in a post-Christian society.

Creating Your Measure of Mission Success

How will you know that you’re succeeding in your mission? What will you use to measure it?

Making the Mission S.I.M.P.L.E.

Complicated missions remain unfulfilled. People get overwhelmed and don’t know how to move forward. They start acting S.T.U.P.I.D. (Slow To Understand, Process, Implement, and Digest) because their brains can’t find a starting point.

This is why it’s important to break that big mission down into something that we can use to Show Implementation with Measurable, Practical Literal Examples. That’s what S.I.M.P.L.E. means.

The S.I.M.P.L.E. Picture of Success for Loving Catholicism

We will know we are successful in our mission when we see a 25% monthly growth in our long-term highly engaged Prophet Makers members.

Our highly engaged members:

  1. Post daily in the private online community
  2. Respond daily to other members in the community
  3. Share the Turning Problems into Prophets course at least once a week with other Catholic families
  4. Make monthly contributions of time, talent, or treasure to building the membership
  5. Have created at least one offer to post on our site
  6. Are active in promoting their offer to non-Catholics at least once a week

Steps Needed to Achieve Our Definition of Success

  1. People must learn about our website
  2. They must discover our Turning Problems into Prophets course.
  3. They must sign up for our Turning Problems into Prophets course.
  4. They must complete the Turning Problems into Prophets course.
  5. They must enroll in the Prophet Makers membership.
  6. They must create a Prophet Maker offer.
  7. They must allow us to list their Prophet Maker offer on our website.
  8. They must post daily in the private online community
  9. They must respond to others daily in the private online community
  10. They must share the Turning Problems into Prophets course once a week
  11. They must promote their Prophet Maker offer to others once a week
  12. They must contribute a monthly love offering

Creating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Help Us Achieve Success

  1. Number of people exposed to our website
  2. Number of people exposed to our course
  3. Number of people signed up for our course
  4. Number of course completions
  5. Number of Prophet Maker enrollments
  6. Number of Prophet Maker offers created
  7. Number of Prophet Maker offers listed
  8. Number of daily posts made
  9. Number of daily responses made
  10. Number of times per week the course was shared
  11. Number of times per week their Prophet Maker offer was promoted to non-Catholics.
  12. Number of months a love offering was made

This is how we plan for success. I hope you found this post helpful.