Answering Christ’s Call to Share the Good News in a Post-Christian Society

Answering Christ's call to share the Good News of His love, embodied in the crucifixion.

Answering Christ’s call to share the Good News might seem tough in our post-Christian society. The Olympic opening ceremony mocking the Last Supper, the announcement by Prince Charles of England that the Church of England would no longer call itself a Church, Canada and many other Western countries punish Christians for sharing their faith. Faith-based discrimination claims rose in 2022 from a previous high of 2,000 to over 14,000.

It can be tough to find opportunities for sharing the Good News about Christ’s love, but only because we overlook the value of our problems.

Answering Christ’s Call Using Our Problems

Our problems provide us a common denominator, a shared battle ground, to leverage in opening the door to being able to witness to Christ’s awesome power.

All we need to do is tap into the rich vein of problems we’ve faced in our lives where we were powerless to solve it and were forced to cry out to God for help and support.

Then, we can share the way that God came to our aid and made things happen that were beyond our power – or the power of any human being – to do. That’s it. No need to argue. No need to have all the answers. We rely on Christ to do the heavy lifting. All we do is plant the seed.

Everyone Faces Problems

Everyone – even God – faces problems. God’s got roughly 8 billion of them by last count, if all we’re counting are the people He created.

Those problems give us a common bond with those who face those problems now but don’t yet know how to solve them. They allow us room to minister to those individuals and share with them the reason for our hope.

We become the trusted mentor who can help guide them past the problems that seem so far beyond their capability to solve when everything else they’ve tried failed them. Like the woman who bled for 12 years, we may not be able to solve her problem ourselves, but we can bring her to the One with the power to make the bleeding stop.

The Most Effective Problems to Use: Those That Required God’s Help to Solve

When your goal is to start a business, you use the problem that cost you the most time, money, energy, and effort to solve. That’s where your greatest opportunities lie. When your goal is to bring people to Christ, you start instead with the problem that you knew was impossible for any human being to solve. The one that forced you to your knees in search of help and led you to develop that trust and confidence in Christ you hold today.

That story will speak most clearly to the person facing that problem that seems so far beyond them to solve. It will get their attention and give them hope that all is not lost. Turning Problems into Prophets, our free online self-paced course, will teach you the steps to outlining your testimony so you can lead them from where they are to where you are today.

You don’t have to be a natural storyteller. You don’t have to have experience writing. I’ll give you a step-by-step blueprint you can use to create a compelling story. You’ll be equipped to tell your story in any situation with ease so you can become a beacon of light for those who wander in darkness and a sign pointing the way to wisdom for those who seek it. Get help answering Christ’s call by taking our free course now and get on your way to success in storytelling.

Answering Christ’s Call to Share the Good News Is Even More Important Now than Ever

What society doesn’t realize is that in rejecting Christ, they reject the eternal wellspring of divine love. Human love simply can’t replace Him.

And with that rejection of the ultimate source of love comes a whole slew of mental health ailments. That’s why addictions, suicide, depression, and anxiety are all skyrocketing. It all reflects a growing number of individuals who feel unloved and unlovable.

We’ve got the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. We’ve got the remedy they need. We must be sure we share that with them. Society rests on our success.

Published by

Brandy M Miller

Award-winning international speaker and author, as well as a business and writing coach, co-founder of Path To Connections, Director of Program Development and Coordination for Path To Publishing, and Chief Acquisitions Editor for PTP Press. Brandy's a Catholic revert who left the faith at 16 and returned at 28.

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