a white dove hovers over the earth with a cross in the background

Prophet Makers

Prophet Makers is a free, online, private social networking platform that provides support for graduates of our Turning Problems into Prophets course who are seeking help turning their problems into effective strategies for evangelization and entrepreneurship.

What Makes It Unique

This membership is fully Catholic, faithful to the Magisterium, and centered on leveraging the same principles used to build a business to help its members effectively evangelize so they can fulfill the Great Commission given to us all by Christ.

It provides a safe, supportive, forgiving environment to practice evangelization skills, develop the offers they’ll use, put together the delivery systems, and make connections with others on the same journey so they can partner together to accelerate their success.

The Benefits of Joining Prophet Makers

  • Weekly Zoom to go over course content and put together strategies
  • Assistance with writing your Prophet Makers stories
  • Free hosting of your approved Prophet Makers content
  • Access to our free private social platform where we can engage in discussions about your content development and strategies

Why Join Prophet Makers

Sharing the love of Christ with others in a post-Christian world is tough. It helps to surround yourself with others on the same journey so you can share strategies that worked and work together to dissect, analyze, and learn from mistakes and failures. You’re never alone in your efforts when you join Prophet Makers.

Membership Instructor

Brandy M Miller Brandy M Miller Author

Award-winning international speaker and author, as well as a business and writing coach, co-founder of Path To Connections, Director of Program Development and Coordination for Path To Publishing, and Chief Acquisitions Editor for PTP Press. Brandy’s a Catholic revert who left the faith at 16 and returned at 28.

Prophet Makers

  • Weekly Zoom to go over course content and put together strategies
  • Assistance with writing your Prophet Makers stories
  • Free hosting of your approved Prophet Makers content
  • Access to our free private social platform where we can engage in discussions about your content development and strategies

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